Sep 2, 2016

Important News

Hello world!

First, I just want to say thank you to you guys for your support.  It's great to hear that many are excited to see this project become real.  I'm so glad to have your guys' support.

With that said, there's something that needs to be said.  I did say, and will continue to say, that I will do my best to make sure this project is finished and published in whatever way I can.  However, life is hitting hard, and there are things in the future that need to be addressed before I can dedicate more time to this.

This isn't easy for me to say, but it's time for me to pause development until a future date (hopefully soon).  As much as I wish to continue with this project, priorities must be taken care of.  I hope that I will still have your support through this, and I await the time to continue.  Thank you all!

-- Will

1 comment:

  1. "I will do my best to make sure this project is finished and published"

    Glad to read that :)
    I've played the demo version. I didn't say nothing but I liked it, I think there's a good concept behind it, really.
    I hope everything will go well for you until the next time.
